So, what can you expect if you choose Sensation Party Band?
Unlike other bands, we have a totally flexible approach. We can offer a broad range of music of your choice from the 60's through to the latest hits that we add weekly. We range in size from our DJ + 2 musicians, our popular 6, 10 & 12 piece bands and all the way up to a 28 piece band with everything in between. As we are a collaboration of leading musicians and singers we put together the perfect line-up for your event. We have professional singers that specialize in Jazz, Soul, Funk, Pop, Rock so you know you'll get the very best. LISTEN TO LIVE TRACKS here. We are able to travel throughout the UK and beyond.
OTHER SERVICES: In addition to our band, we can also provide DJ's, sound, lighting, staging and any other production. We have our own in-house party planning professionals and our pricing is extremely competitive. Just give us a call...